Thursday, September 15, 2011

It’s Finally Happening

A legislative taskforce is working right now on ways to increase competition in the Illinois health insurance marketplace, and they’ll make recommendations by September 30th. Insurance lobbyists have come to Springfield to prevent anything that might mean more competition and better choices for Illinois consumers. 

Specifically, a Springfield legislative taskforce is considering setting up what is known as an insurance exchange. Done right, this will pool the buying power of hundreds of thousands of Illinoisans so all of us can get a better deal on health care. Done wrong, the exchange will be an ineffective website with the same expensive plans and spotty coverage.

Done right, the exchange will level the balance of power between you and the health care industry — driving the industry to cut the waste and prioritize high quality, bang-for-the-buck care.

Done right, the exchange will also cut through the confusing clutter and allow you to compare different health care plans in a simple, apples to apples way. You'd even be able to take your plan from one job to another.

Done wrong, the exchange will be merely an online listing of the same over-priced plans and inadequate coverage.

The legislative taskforce will make recommendations by September 30th on how to create the exchange in Illinois. In the meantime, insurance lobbyists don’t want more competition and are working to kill an effective insurance exchange in our state.

Click here to make sure state officials hear from you.

Brian Imus
Illinois PIRG State Director

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